Welcome to my home page. As the principal of both North Rich Elementary and Rich Middle School, I have the greatest job in the world! I have the opportunity to interact with the single most valuable asset our society has...YOUNG PEOPLE.

I will be going into my 20th year at these two schools. When I think about it, I cannot believe I have been a part of educating two groups of students from the first day of their kindergarten year to the last day of their eighth grade year. It has been nothing but a complete pleasure to be involved in the academic and social growth of the greatest kids ever. The main take away I get from this is:

"The future of our world is extremely bright."

I sincerely hope you will utilize this resource to enhance your educational experience, to learn about me, and maybe we can share some ideas to improve our professional practices. Please take time to check out my blog page and to take the time to browse all the links I have provided.

Please checkout our schools' web pages by clicking our logos.